Wildlife Wednesdays: Holographic Circus Animals | weatherology°
By: Meteorologist Megan Mulford
Updated: Feb 7th 2022

Wildlife Wednesdays: Holographic Circus Animals

If you have ever been to a circus, it is a show that features clowns, tricks, tight-rope walks, and many circus animals. Circuses have been going on for more than 100 years, but no one really knows what happens behind the scenes. These poor circus animals are being tortured to perform, kept in small cages, and even treated poorly when they are not on stage. Circuses in recent years have dealt with negative feedback because of the use of live animals. In 2017, the Ringling Bros. Barnum and Baileys finally closed up after 150 years, due to this negativity. 

There is a way to still enjoy the circus without having any live animals! Circus Roncalli, which was founded in 1976 in Germany, acknowledged the inhumane way animals were being forced to perform and is now the first in the world to replace live animals with 3D holographic animals. Projectors are set around the stage and light up over a 1,600 square foot area with life-like horses, elephants, and even rings of fire! This proves that live animals are not needed to enjoy a really cool show! Also, by not having live animals, it reduces animal abuse and suffering. 

Circus Roncalli has been using holographic circus animals for six years now and have had positive reviews from attendees. The founder and director Bernhard Paul has invested more than 500,000 Euros (~551,125 US dollars) to make this a reality. Circus Roncalli brings in around 600,000 guests to watch the show every year. With this being a success, hopefully more of the world will follow in their footsteps and exchange the use of real animals for holographic animals in circuses!

Check out a clip from a performance!